Our Guiding Principals
When determining the suitability of a potential project, the Gascoyne Pastoral Group considers three long term goals and the potential for the project to contribute to these objectives.
Rangelands Health
Rangeland health is the single most important factor that impacts our businesses. It determines long-term productivity, profitability and risk.
Improving rangeland health will increase productive capacity through higher carrying capacity and greater capacity to cope with variable seasonal conditions, including drought.
Rangeland health is important to us because it also effects ‘ecosystem services’, such as biodiversity, soil and water quality. Furthermore, it is crucial that our land management choices stand up to public scrutiny.
Applied Research & Development
We are keen and active participants in applied research and development on production and sustainability. We are proactive in raising the profile of our industry and our region – telling our stories through our networks in addition to print and online media.
As a trusted and experienced body, we seek to influence policy and provide a united producer voice on local and regional issues, along with highlighting opportunities and key information to government agencies and other stakeholders.
Beef production in Australia has a range of new domestic and international markets emerging for our products and leveraging these is vital for our sector.
We work with pastoralists and others in the supply chain to take advantage of new markets and build lasting relationships with other members of the value chain.
Our Approach to Projects
A key role of the Gascoyne Catchments Group is to deliver innovative and practical projects, relevant to the Gascoyne Pastoral Industry. We aim to involve members and stakeholders in the implementation of projects; and provide practical advice when reporting on the outcomes and findings of our work.
We welcome proposals form our members for potential future projects and will seek funding to support the implementation of projects that are aligned with our strategic goals.