Past Projects
Gascoyne Catchments Group is appreciative of all of the support received during the delivery of these projects and hope by providing details, others in the industry can learn from our experiences.
WA Landcare - Support for Workshops
July 2022 - June 2023
WA Landcare, with funding from Natural Resource Management provided some funding to Gascoyne Catchments Group for the delivery of three presentations across the region over a 12 month period. This funding allowed us to expand on already planned events, as well as delivery a workshop.
November 2022
Gascoyne Catchments Group delivered its Annual Pastoral Forum in Coral Bay, bringing together more than 80 members and stakeholders for presentations focused on Pastoral Resilence, landcare technology, markets and the Gascoyne region.
March 2023
Gascoyne Catchments Group got members and stakeholders together to provide training on the Rangelands Monitoring Tool. The Rangelands Monitoring Tool © is an application that allows land users to conduct a self-assessment of their rangelands and report it back to a central repository.
On the 2nd March 2023, Jodie McTaggart ran the information and training session on this newly improved rangeland monitoring tool. Jodie covered off on not only the tool usage but helped those in attendance better understand soil attributes, how erosion negatively affects the land system in terms of land management and also ran through all of the plan data included in the tool.
June 2023
Gascoyne Catchments Group delivered a Roads to Rehydration Workshop in Gascoyne Junction with the aid of Richard Marver from Contour Consulting. The workshop included a presentation, tag along field drive and machinery operation displays. This workshop was also supported by the Shire of Upper Gascoyne and Bidgemia Station.
Pastoral Partners - Accelerating the Transition
2022 - 2023
Gascoyne Catchments Group in partnership with Beeflinks, UWA and with funding from MLA are working with Bruce Maynard to deliver this project across the Gascoyne and Pilbara regions of Western Australia. The project is working with 5 pastoral properties to better understand the transition from northern to southern properties.
This project aims to demonstrate and assist producers in northern WA to mitigate live weight and productivity loss for cattle transitioning from northern rangelands to southern backgrounding properties by integrating adaptation procedures to enhance livestock performance along the value chain. The project will upskill existing workforce and build capacity for engaged producers, along with those across the norther and southern production landscapes within the beef production industry.
PPATT is funded by MLA donor Company, GCG participants and supported by Beeflinks, UWA.
Gascoyne Catchments Group Field Days and Case Study
October 2018 – June 2020
In partnership with Rangelands NRM, the GCG is sub-contracted to deliver a series of workshops and case studies which aim to build pastoral resiliency to climate change. The latest activity is a Rehydration workshop with environmental consultant Richard Marver and soil conservationist Col Stanton. The workshop will cover ESRM plans, practical on-ground erosion control measures using earth working machinery, as well as pasture identification and information on rangelands self-monitoring tools for pastoralists.
Bullseye (2017-2020)
The Gascoyne Catchments Group led the Bullseye project which aimed to help pastoral businesses within the southern rangelands and those further along the supply chain to collaborate to better deliver the specific beef and cattle products required by current and emerging markets.
Bullseye was funded through DPIRD’s Agribusiness and Innovation fund. The final report is available here.